Course Description
Why choose ALPI for Load Test training? - We use certified live instructors in both our in-person and virtual classes so you can ask questions and get answers right away.
- We focus on real-world examples.
- We teach using interactive, hands-on exercises.
- This ALPI course is eligible for a free refresher guarantee so you can re-take the course within 4 months at no additional charge. Contact us for information about this unique benefit that gives you peace of mind.
This class provides students with the skills necessary to perform load and stress testing using Visual Studio 2012. Students will create Web Performance Test scripts and learn about the concepts of parameterization, extraction and transactions.
Performance scripts are incorporated into Load Tests and executed against a test system. Creating a load test environment, load injection, system counters and reporting are covered. Configuring browser and network emulation, ip spoofing and many other aspects of performance testing with Microsoft tools are explored. Best practices and real world examples are used to illustrate performance test concepts.
3 day(s)
9 - 5 pm
Approximately 50% of this course is devoted to labs.
Intended Audience
The target audience for this course includes: - Performance Testers who want to learn to load test using the Microsoft 201X Test Tools
- Performance Testers wo want to improve their capabilities using the Microsoft 201X toolset
- Automation Engineers
- Performance Testers
- Software Developers
- Knowledge of Performance Testing Concepts
- Familiarity with Web Applications
- Experience Coding in C#, or other Microsoft Languages is helpful
Course Outline:
- Introduction – Performance Testing With Visual Studio
- Overview - Performance Testing Setup
- Test Controller and Agents
- Implementing a Test Controller for Performance Testing
- Configuring Results Database
- Test Agents and Load Generators
- A Typical 'Test Rig'
- Performance Testing Concepts
- Modeling User Behavior
- Determining which Business Processes to Test
- Documenting Business Processes
- Various user profiles
- Web Performance Tests
- Adding a Test Project to a Team Project
- The WebTest Test Type
- The Web Recording Toolbar
- Creating Web Performance Tests
- Recording a Web Performance Test
- Playback
- Extraction Rules for Correlating Dynamic Data
- Enhancing Web Performance Tests
- Creating Extraction Rules
- Parameterizing a Web Performance Test
- Adding Transactions
- Adding Loops
- Adding Conditional Statements
- Adding Verification
- Configuring Think Time
- Data Sources
- Types of Data Sources
- Using XML
- Parameterizing using a Relational Database
- Creating a Load Test
- Introduction to Load Tests
- The Load Test Wizard
- Adding Scripts to a Load Test
- Test Mix Models
- Determining Your Load
- Ramp Up and Ramp Down
- Configuring Load Test Duration
- Enhancing a Load Test
- Network Emulation Basics
- A Closer look at Network Emulation
- Browser Emulation
- Execution Preparation
- Controller and Agent Prep
- Calculating Load Distribution
- Ensuring Your Rig is Ready
- Load Test Execution
- Execution Overview
- Configuring Counters and Graphs
- Creating Thresholds and Rules
- Executing a Load Test
- Load Test Reporting
- Report Types
- Analyzing Results
- Comparing Load Runs
- Creating Graphs
- Advanced Scripting Techniques - Converting to Coded Tests
- Converting a Test to Code
- Using C# to enhance Scripts
- Useful coded additions
- Advanced Scripting Techniques - Creating Load Tests Using the Unit Test Framework
- Introduction to the VS Unit Test Framework
- Creating Unit Tests
- Using Unit Tests in Load Tests
- Conclusions and Best Practice Recommendations