Course Description
Why choose ALPI for Coded UI workshop training? - We use certified live instructors in both our in-person and virtual classes so you can ask questions and get answers right away.
- We focus on real-world examples.
- We teach using interactive, hands-on exercises.
- This ALPI course is eligible for a free refresher guarantee so you can re-take the course within 4 months at no additional charge. Contact us for information about this unique benefit that gives you peace of mind.
This workshop is designed to teach participants how to begin the process of building an automated framework using Microsoft Visual Studio and Coded UI.
3 day(s)
9 - 5 pm
This workshop is offered as a series of hands-on “projects” that require participants to understand, design, and implement components of an automated testing framework.
Intended Audience
The target audience for this course includes: - Automated testers
- Automated developers
Coded UI Foundations is a required course prerequisite for this workshop:
Click here for course information and registration A background in programming and/or scripting and understanding of Coded UI.
WORKSHOP OUTLINE: DAY 1: Introduction to Automated Frameworks - Why use them?
- Who needs them?
- Pros & Cons
Framework Structure - High-level framework structure
- Framework components
Pre-Conditions/State Validation - Application Run Status
- Authentication
- Custom pre-test navigation/validation
Test Synchronization - Test Waypoints
- Validation synchronization vs navigation synchronization
- Handling AJAX Calls
- Handling HTML Dialogs
Object Synchronization - What is synchronization?
- When is synchronization needed?
- What types of synchronization exist?
- Implementing synchronization
DAY 2: Understanding Objects - Object types
- Object identification
- Object interaction
- Object virtualization
Object Input/Selection - Methods for Input/Selection
- Dynamic method selection
- Custom method creation
Object Data/Attribute validation - Methods for Data/Attribute validation
- Dynamic method selection
- Custom method creation
Navigation - Getting around an application
- What types of navigation exist?
- Implementing navigation
- Using Classes to pass large sets of data for navigation and validation
- Physical vs Event playback
Data Driving - Maximizing script reusability
- Control structures
- PreDataDriven Test Design
- Easily transition to fully data driven and back again
- How to create test scripts to for data driving without having a data source.
- Database containers
- Data generators
- Using the Test Context for passing data
Roles testing - Administrator
- PowerUser
- EndUser
- Customer
DAY 3: Function Libraries - Maximizing reuse
- Extensibility
- Audit & logs
Error Handling - Playback Errors (Navigation and/or Validation)
- UnExpected dialogs
- HTTP Server Errors
Debugging Tests Test Results / Data Exporting - Identifying execution results
- Analyzing execution data
Bringing It All Together (Recap/Summary) - Creating a working framework
- Facilitating maintainability
- Data abstraction
- Function reusability
- Function optimization
- Securing framework code